RECYCAL PROJECT: R+D+I project to improve the quality of recycled aluminum.
Acronym: RecycAl
Title: High Shear Processing of Recycled Aluminium Alloys
Project data: R&D&I projects in the field of Engineering assigned to regional, national and international programs.
Programme: THEME [ENV.2013.6.3-1] [Turning waste into a resource through innovative technologies, processes and services]
Description: The RecycAl (High Shear Processing of Recycled Aluminum Alloys) project has the objective of addressing the problem of the formation of intermetallic particles of Fe, Sn and Mn in recycled aluminum alloys, through the development and demonstration of the HSP (High Shear Processing) which will convert low quality aluminum scrap into high quality recycled material. Therefore increase the use of aluminum in the EU.
Project objectives: Improve the quality of recycled aluminum with high levels of impurities and transform it into a new raw aluminum material with lower levels of impurities and high quality, as required in the European industry.
AZCATEC participation in the project: Industrialization of the HSP (High Shear Processing) process. AZCATEC will carry out the technical and economic studies for the scaling of the process and its integration into aluminum recycling plants.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2014] under grant agreement no 603577
(Period: 2014-2016)