ARIAM PROJECT: Augmented Reality Applied to Industrial Installation and Maintenance

Acronym: ARIAM

Title: Augmented Reality Applied to Industrial Installation and Maintenance

Project data: The ARIAM project has been subsidized by the CDTI, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-financed with Structural Funds of the European Union.

The project titled Augmented Reality Applied to Industrial Installation and Maintenance, and 3 companies participate in it, Diagnóstiqa Consultoría Técnica, S.L., Seabery Soluciones, S.L. and AZCATEC Tecnología e Ingeniería, S.L., seeks to develop an artificial vision technological solution based on augmented reality for application to the industrial sector and that allows maximizing the safety, reliability and efficiency of the operational, assembly, maintenance and control processes of industrial facilities. .

The solution developed will allow professionals in the industrial sector to have on-site help in real time that will guide them in the performance of their tasks as well as perform detailed remote monitoring in real time by those responsible.

The ARIAM project has been subsidized by the CDTI, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-financed with Structural Funds of the European Union.

(Period: 2016-2018)